Lowrey spinet organ models

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Laurens Hammond sure used his salesmanship to convince certain ones his new musical instrument was indeed an organ via the Hammond and pipe organ show down. Wurlitzer, Allen, Gulbransen, and Conn followed suit after a fashion. When other organs hit the market they used flute tones on a tab for those nine pitches, and got very much the same sound. No wonder many who played the console Hammonds in churches used the the pre sets only, and many pipe organists wouldn't touch a Hammond.

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I have heard some of the most horrible sounds come out of a Hammond organ than any other on the market. The rest is warbles, squeals, and squeaks in my honest opinion. From all of the pushing and pulling of drawbars I found that about 2 dozen useful musical tones or changes yet all 'had the Hammond sound' regardless were available.

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